We aim to develop living systems which can harmonize together humans, ecosystems and our shared environments.

At Synthetic State, we are dedicated to revolutionizing the way humans interact with their environments through innovative technology. Our mission is to create adaptive systems that foster a harmonious balance between humans and their surroundings, utilizing various outputs such as light and sound.

Our Journey

Founded in Vancouver in 2015, Synthetic State began with a vision to bridge the gap between digital and organic technologies. In 2020, we moved our operations to the vibrant city of Amsterdam to leverage its thriving tech ecosystem. Our flagship product, MAINFRAME, initially focused on dynamic lighting solutions, has evolved to incorporate multiple environmental controls that respond in real-time to diverse inputs. From small-scale installations to large-scale infrastructure projects, MAINFRAME is designed to meet the diverse needs of our clients.

Our Mission

Our mission is to design technology that brings harmony between humans and their environments. We strive to create systems that not only enhance spaces but also improve the quality of life, promote sustainability, and foster a deeper connection between people and their surroundings.

Core Values

- Innovation: We are committed to continuous innovation, pushing the boundaries of what technology can achieve.- Empathy: Our products are designed with empathy, focusing on the well-being and comfort of our users.- Collaboration: We believe in the power of collaboration, working closely with partners and clients to create tailored solutions.

Meet the Team

Synthetic State is a team of dedicated and passionate professionals with experience in a variety of fields such as product development, hardware/software, Internet of Things (IoT), systems engineering, robotics, virtual reality, web design, biomedical research, and laboratory automation. Collectively, our team brings roughly 40 years of experience across these multiple fields, ensuring a deep well of knowledge and expertise to draw upon for our innovative projects.

What sets our work apart

- Real-Time Interactivity: Our MAINFRAME system adjusts based on real-time sensory inputs, offering a unique and immersive experience.
- Versatility: MAINFRAME is designed for a wide range of applications, from live events to environmental optimization.
- Portability: Easy to install and configure, MAINFRAME can be deployed in various settings quickly and efficiently.

Our Impact

MAINFRAME has been utilized in various innovative projects, including dynamic art installations and cutting-edge environmental setups. Our collaborations with partners have allowed us to showcase MAINFRAME’s versatility and effectiveness in creating harmony between humans and their environments.

Join Our Journey

We invite you to explore our innovative solutions and see how Synthetic State is shaping the future of human-environment interaction. Whether you are looking to create harmony in your living space, optimize environmental conditions, or develop dynamic public installations, we have the expertise and technology to bring your vision to life.

Contact Us Today  

Feel free to reach out to us for more information, collaboration opportunities, or to schedule a demonstration of MAINFRAME. Together, let's create balance and harmony in our world.

We're based in Amsterdam, Netherlands.

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